Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- save : caf::detail::meta_object
- save_binary : caf::detail::meta_object
- second : caf::chrono::datetime
- self : caf::blocking_response_handle_state, caf::event_based_response_handle_state
- self_ref_ : caf::internal::flow_bridge_base< UpperLayer, LowerLayer, ItemType >
- serialization_time : caf::io::middleman::metric_singletons_t
- server : caf::net::dsl::client_config::lazy
- shutting_down : caf::io::network::event_handler::state
- simple_size : caf::detail::meta_object
- sink : caf::stream_open_msg
- sink_flow_id : caf::stream_abort_msg, caf::stream_ack_msg, caf::stream_batch_msg, caf::stream_close_msg, caf::stream_open_msg
- skip_empty_fields_default : caf::json_writer
- skip_object_type_annotation_default : caf::json_writer
- source : caf::down_msg, caf::exit_msg, caf::io::new_connection_msg, caf::stream_ack_msg
- source_flow_id : caf::stream_ack_msg, caf::stream_cancel_msg, caf::stream_demand_msg
- spawn_server_id : caf::io::basp::header
- spawn_servers : caf::io::basp_broker
- state : caf::net::dsl::client_config::conn
- state_ : caf::stateful_actor< State, Base >
- stream : caf::actor_system::actor_metric_families_t
- stringify : caf::detail::meta_object
- subscription : caf::attachable::token
- subtype : caf::attachable::token
- sync : caf::config_option::meta_state
- sys_ : caf::io::network::multiplexer